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Intake Meeting

Business Brainstorm

Our client meets with us to outline their search requirements, timelines, future organizational strategy, mission and corporate culture.

Market Analysis & Creation of Candidate Role Profile

Business Meeting

Following this process, Re:Search will complete a deep analysis of the market and work with the client to create a compelling role profile. Market analysis will outline the competitive environment and influence the type of candidate we will look for. This process results in a document that will be a reference throughout the entire search process – the Candidate Role Profile. This role profile will contain detailed information about the role, responsibilities, and our client, key opportunities presented by the executive job, and outline career and educational requirements.

Search Strategy

Business Meeting

This stage will include a deeper analysis of the market, outlining key companies our clients may wish to research for talent, and documenting all avenues that will be exploited in order to gain access to the top talent in the marketplace. The research tools that form part of the search strategy will often include our database from previously conducted searches, market analysis, alternative internet sources such as social networks, industry associations and of course, our own network and contacts.

Candidate Identification

Business Partners at Work

Within the executive search industry, the process of creating an industry/function wide map of talent and long-list of potential candidates is known as ‘talent mapping’. After we have a number of high potential executives listed (over 150+), we will begin qualifying the potential targets and identifying whether they are suitable candidates.

Approach, Qualify & Interview to Create Longlist

Waiting Area

ReSearch will continue throughout the candidate identification process and the number of potential candidates will be reduced to a longlist  This longlist is achieved through detailed phone interviews that discuss the specifics of the executive job, and explore the candidates’ background, competencies and interest in the role.



Our client will work with us to narrow the candidate shortlist to 3-5 candidates.

Offer, Referencing & Negotiation (Optional)

Business Handshake

After a series of interviews and consideration of external references, the client will select their preferred candidate and the process of salary and offer negotiation will commence. Often, we will act as a mediator in this process to ensure both parties’ needs are being met. This service is optional as some clients prefer to conduct references and extend their offer directly.

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